This is a link to a fantastic website that helps the children with practicing their weekly spelling words. They can enter in 5 words and the do complete a number of activities and games based around these words. It's a fantastic resource and another way for children to learn their spelling words:
Spelling City: (you will have to copy and paste this into the address bar of your web browser or click on the link in the websites bar to the right of the screen called Spelling City.
Check it out and tell us what you think.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Art Gallery and Museum Trip
Today we went on a class trip to the Otago Museum to see the Dinosaurs and Babies exhibition. This was very cool. We looked at New Zealand's biggest fossil which is a Plesiosaurus and then we went in to the exhibition. Emma (the museum teacher) talked to us about fossils and Corey was chosen as a volunteer to make a handprint in a container of sand. Then Emma poured plaster of paris over the top and we left it to dry. We broke into groups and began doing a variety of exercises - our favourites were digging for dinosaur fossils in a sandpit, making up cool dinosaur names and exploring the dinosaur eggs. After the museum we had lunch and then went to the Art Gallery and John (the Art Gallery's teacher) showed us around. We talked about different paintings and how time is represented. Then he took us to the classroom where we made cool pop up dinosaurs! We had a great time.
Making Fossils
This week we have been very busy researching Dinosaurs. We have been finding out a lot of information about them and using a lot of different resources!
One area that really interested us was fossils. We learned that fossils are formed over millions of years and that not all dinosaurs or objects turn into fossils. A fossil is formed when an animal dies or leaves a print in the soft ground. That animal or print is covered with layers of rock and dirt and over time (millions of years) the object turns to stone. Then erosion occurs which eats away the layers of rock and the fossilised remains appear. We thought this was very cool so we made our own fossils. First we got chicken bones and shells from home. Next we got some clay and rolled it out flat. Then we placed 2 or 3 objects onto the clay and pressed them down firmly. Next we layered another piece of clay on top. Finally we peeled away the top layer of clay and were left with an imprint of the object. You could try to make one of these at home?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Rainy Thursday

Today it was very wet. We were sad that we couldn't get outside and do P.E. However, this afternoon we got stuck into some great dinosaur art. We traced around a template of different dinosaurs, then used vivid to go over the lines. Applied a nice and thick layer of pastel, ensuring there were no gaps in our colouring and also staying in the lines. Lastly we used dye to paint the background. They look great. We will add some pictures when they are dry and framed.
We are also reading a book called 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl. It is very funny and a little bit gross!!
In writing we are also learning how to use a table of contents and the index to find information to help us answer a question. Can you explain to mum or dad where you will find these things and how to use them?? Also make sure you talk to mum and dad about what you have been up to during the day.
Just a reminder that HOMEWORK is due in tomorrow morning!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today we visted the library and Mrs Rennie read us a great story called Gator. We are also learning about research skills. We read a big book about dinosaurs called: "Digging for dinosaurs". We came up with key words(which are words related to dinosaurs) and used the table of contents and index to see if the book contained these key words and then we read the book to see if answered these questions: How do we know so much about dinosaurs? Who finds the evidence about dinosaurs? What eveidence has been found? What does it tell us about dinosaurs? What tools can we use to help us find answers to these questions? The book did answer these questions. We found out a new word: Paleontologist - which is the name for a scientist who looks for dinosaur bones.
Next week we are going to make our own fossils.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Today in Room 6
Today in Room 6, we all looked at the class blog on the whiteboard. We have just had music. Our music teacher is called Mrs Tay. She is feeling very happy with our recorder playing and Tyler and Tim will be leading our class practices. We left Mrs Tay with a big smile on her face.
Yesterday we were very lucky as the Otago Highlanders came to school and had a practice on our field. Lots of us got their autographs. SOme people got autographs on parts of their bodies - arms, legs and faces.
Today for reading we did lots of different activities - "The word find was smashingly fun" said Harrison.
From everyone in Room 6
Yesterday we were very lucky as the Otago Highlanders came to school and had a practice on our field. Lots of us got their autographs. SOme people got autographs on parts of their bodies - arms, legs and faces.
Today for reading we did lots of different activities - "The word find was smashingly fun" said Harrison.
From everyone in Room 6
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Welcome to our blog of what's happening in Room 6 this year. The blog will be updated daily (hopefully) and as time progresses we will share pictures, information and links to relevant websites and games. You can add a comment to the post.
Garth Powell
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