Saturday, March 27, 2010

Charlotte's Web and Topic

We have been reading Charlotte's Web which is a favourite book in the class - a number of children got the book out of the library and read it at home. It is a funny story (with some sadness at the end) and there are a lot of interesting characters. If you haven't read it, maybe you would like to give it a try?

Our new topic is called 'The World Came To My Place Today'. We read a story with the same title and we have been looking at where different products are made around the world. We have made a GIANT world map which we all painted and have labelled the continents. Next we will find out where different countries are. We have also hunted for different objects from around our houses and the classroom to see where they were made. Some things really surprised us. Have a look around your house to see where different products were made.

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